Blog - Child Care Aware of America

When It Comes To Child Care In America, The Cavalry IS Coming

Written by Guest Blogger | June 1, 2018


Moms-in-Film co-founder and Board President Christy Lamb

In his 2015 SXSW Keynote, filmmaker Mark Duplass made a rally cry for indie filmmakers out of the phrase “the cavalry isn’t coming.” The highly motivational speech told filmmakers that it’s up to them to find their own success and in short, no one is coming to help.

And while that may be true for filmmakers like myself, it couldn’t be less true when it comes to implementing universal child care in America 😊


Gala host Sasheer Zamata and Christy Lamb






In April of this year I was invited to join CCAoA’s 30th Anniversary Gala and Symposium as a Family Advocate and share my experience with child care as a filmmaker. And I can tell you, there is in fact a very large cavalry coming. They are a formidable army of motivated legislators, lobbyists and activists that have set their sights set on child care as an integral solution to parity.