In August, Child Care Aware® of America (CCAoA) announced the renewal of our partnership with the Bezos Family Foundation on supporting early care and education professionals as brain builders through Vroom. Now we are accepting applications from State and local CCR&R agencies interested in a nine-month family engagement project through the Vroom Partnership.
As a part of this opportunity, CCAoA will select 10 additional CCR&Rs to be part of a fully-supported training, outreach and promotional initiative to inspire the full potential of brain-building moments with young children based on the strength of their applications.
Vroom focuses on encouraging adult/child engagement by turning shared moments into brain-building moments. After all, new science tells us that the first five years are key in developing the foundation for all future learning. Vroom Tips give parents and providers easy ways to promote learning and bond with young children.
Access the Vroom Ambassador application here. You can also download a hard copy of the application if you prefer. Please submit your completed application by 5 p.m. EST Friday, October 19. If you have any questions, please email us at:
On September 19, 2018 we hosted a webinar discussing the Vroom Ambassador application and answered many questions about the process. Click here to watch the webinar recording.
Selected Ambassadors will be notified on Wednesday, November 14.
Save the Date: Vroom Week, November 26-30. Join other CCR&Rs across the country in celebrating and inspiring your community on its important role of building young children’s brains. Click here for fun ways to engage families and the community during Vroom Week!