Join CCAoA's Speakers Bureau

Child Care Aware® of America's Speakers Bureau: elevating the voices of our network of leaders and advocates.

Child Care Aware® of America's Speakers Bureau was launched in 2020 to help child care professionals connect and share their expertise on an array of topics related to early learning and education. By joining the Speakers Bureau, you will be the first on our list to present at upcoming webinars, in-person/virtual conferences and events. 

Who Should Submit an Application?

The Speakers Bureau is perfect for:

  • Professionals in the child care landscape, including child care providers, systems-level leaders, state policymakers and anyone else in the broader ECE system. 
  • Up-and-coming leaders as well as seasoned presenters
  • Business and community leaders that have services that support the child care industry
  • And more!

professional conversation