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March Newsletter

coronavirus update newsletter

Do you have questions about whether the new Coronavirus (COVID-19) could impact your business or child care program? CCAoA is continually working to provide you with up-to-date, helpful information from trusted public health, child health and rapid response partners. The information can guide you to take precautions to help prevent Coronavirus from affecting your business, your staff and the children in your care.  

Health Resource Spotlight

medicine provider and child

Administering Medication 

The problem: Providers are sometimes required to give medication to young children. If medication is not safely administered, there can be health consequences for the child and a liability risk for those who own, manage or are employed at the child care program. 

Learn the Solution

Policy News

hill meeting

FY2021 Appropriations 

We are entering the full swing of the Fiscal Year 2021 appropriations season, and this year we are asking for a $5 billion increase for the Child Care and Development Block Grant. Read more about our ask in Child Care & Early Learning Coalition’s letters to appropriators:

Read the House and Senate Letters 

Emergency Preparedness



Floods can happen anywhere in the world, and the melting snow and increase in rain that accompany spring increases the risk of flooding. Even a minor flood can cause significant damage. Now is the perfect time to prepare for flooding and double-check your flood insurance coverage. CCAoA has information and resources to help you be prepared. 

Family & Community Engagement News


Learn Strategies for Outreach to Families Experience Homelessness

Join the National Center on Parent, Family, and Community Engagement for a new webinar designed specifically for CCR&Rs. Strategies for Outreach to Families Experiencing Homelessness will be presented on April 7, 2020. Learn about family homelessness; explore specific strategies for outreach to families experiencing homelessness; and share ideas, successes and challenges with your CCR&R colleagues from across the country. Register Today

Upcoming Event

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Additional Resources


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