Child Care Aware® of America's Emergency Child Care & Technical Assistance Center™
Child Care Aware® of America has launched a new initiative, the Emergency Child Care & Technical Assistance Center™, to help support families during the current child care crisis. We know that finding answers about locating care and understanding the risks of child care is difficult. We've worked with national agencies to compile a centralized hub.
Advocacy Toolkit
We have updated our advocacy from home toolkit, which features resources on how to set up and conduct virtual meetings with your members of Congress, including email templates, talking points and a sample agenda.
Congress Updates
As negotiations continue in Congress over the next relief package, our COVID-19 resources and recommendations for policymakers include a linkto ourmost recent letter to Congress with coalition partners.
Preparedness Month
September is National Preparedness Month and it’s especially important this year to focus on your preparedness and planning. Communities been impacted by COVID-19, but also by severe weather and wildfires across the country. For preparedness resources, tips, and tools, visit
Hurricane Preparedness
Being prepared before a hurricane is crucial. CCAoA offers a Hurricane Season Preparation guide to help you start getting ready. Due to COVID-19, it is recommended that you have extra face coverings, hand sanitizer, cleaning products and sanitizing wipes in addition to the traditional emergency preparedness supplies.
For more information and links to more resources, visit the CCAoA Emergency Preparedness, Response and Recovery webpage on hurricanes.
A tough decision for child care providers
Should you close your program because of COVID-19, or stay open? There are a lot of factors to weigh as you make that determination. A new blog post from CCAoA, Whether to Close or Stay Open: One of the Hardest Decisions in Child Care, explores some key factors to consider as you make your decision. They include your community context, operational considerations and financial factors.
Coronavirus and Child Care: Stories from the Field
Lesia Daniels is the director of a family-owned child care center in Clinton, Mississippi. For the first time since COVID-19 struck, she is back to full enrollment. Though the center’s income has returned to pre-pandemic levels, Lesia may be forced to close by the end of the year. Her costs have skyrocketed – payroll, food, cleaning and disinfecting supplies, shipping, insurance. Watch Lesia’s video on our No Child Care No Recovery Story Hub.
Upcoming Event
Join us for part two of our Partners in Learning and Careforum on August 27th. Hear from a panel of national leaders on the topic of out-of-school time child care during COVID-19. Learn what their organizations are hearing and doing related to child care as schools reopen. Pose your questions to the panel.
Explore New Child Care Resources
Check out this new resource for CCR&Rs and child care programs. Explore ways that child care programs can lean on and build upon strengths to survive the pandemic and thrive beyond it.
Register for National Center on Parent, Family and Community Engagement Webinar
Join the National Center on Parent, Family, and Community Engagement for the final session of Effective Ways to Work with Families in Challenging Times: A Facilitated Series for CCR&Rs. Session Three: Community Partnerships: Now and Planning for the Future will be presented on August 20, 2020 and will focus on strategies for building and enhancing community partnerships through virtual work. Exchange ideas, successes and challenges with colleagues about what new partnerships you have discovered during this time.
Wildfire Resources
For additional resources to plan and respond to wildfires, visit
Child Care Aware® of America, 1515 North Courthouse Road, 3rd Floor, Arlington, Virginia 22201, United States, (703) 341-4100